VISION Statement
The Escambia Human Relation Commission envisions a County where Human Relations are at their best because fundamental human rights have been met for all its citizens, where government, organizations, businesses, stakeholders, and individual citizens value integrity, accountability, transparency, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and work together to eliminate discrimination, embrace individual differences, while helping everyone reach their full potential unfettered by personal, institutional, or structural biases.
MISSION Statement
The Escambia Human Relations Commission’s mission is to foster an environment that advocates for equal and fair treatment of Escambia County residents by collaborating with community stakeholders to create solutions that better community relations and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Accessible & Adaptable
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
About the EPHRC
The Escambia-Pensacola Human Relations Commission was originally created by Interlocal Agreement between the Escambia County Board of Commissioners and the city of Pensacola in April 1974. On March 7, 2019, the Board of County Commissioners enacted Ordinance 2019-13 to reestablish the EPHRC by ordinance. The purpose of the EPHRC is to provide the community with local assistance to review and resolve employ-ment and fair housing discrimination complaints and improve community relations for all persons in Escambia County.
As provided in the ordinance, the EPHRC is composed of nine voting members; one member of the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners who is appointed by a majority vote of the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners to perform ex officio the functions of an additional office; one member of the City of Pensacola City Council who is appointed by a majority vote of the City of Pensacola City Council to perform ex officio the functions of an additional office; four members to be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners; and three members to be appointed by the City of Pensacola. Members will serve two-year terms. All members shall be electors of Escambia County.
BCC Appointed Members
Randy Bricker
Term of Office: 5/02/19 – 10/01/23
Harold Griffin, Jr.
Term of Office: 8/15/19 – 10/01/23
Kevin Mair
Term of Office: 5/02/19 – 10/01/23
Brian Wyer
Term of Office: 8/15/19 – 10/01/23
City Council Appointed Members
Sydney Robinson
Term of Office: 7/15/2021 – 10/01/25
Haley Morrissette
Term of Office: 7/15/2021 – 10/01/25
Dr. Joyce Hopson
Term of Office: 6/02/2019 – 10/01/25
Escambia Pensacola Human Relations Commission
Al Henderson,
Executive Director
150 West Maxwell Street
Pensacola, FL 32501